Friday 8 February 2013


Assalamualaikum :) hopefully smua dlm rahmat ilahi.. dh lme sgt xupdate blog nie.. buad pn ske2 then nk update pn ske hti la kannn *hahaha ;) ..ok tgh2 cti my 1st sem/8 sem *sigh hee trse nk story psl usm that i'll spend 4 years there (omg!). dlu mse kcik2 dri primary until secondary school my parents sokmo bgtau blja rjin2 smpai msuk u jd org bjya..n bnde nie i think smua prnah lalui detik2 yg menekangkang! *haha well im not da best stdnt in school jz da moderate one but still IM A MAHASISWI NOW! USM ENGINEERING CAMPUS! CHEMICAL ENGINEERING STUDENT! *nada smngat*

usm campus kejuruteraan nibong tebal..nibong tebal?? that was my first reaction cz i never know heard  about that place b4 huhu ingt campus induk *sane mmg best n jles giler ngn bdk induk tp BERSYUKUR K AJA..n.t best ap kn surround by nature.

usm is a big challenge for me.. n my course is quite tough hmm act i wanna pure chemist! but redha hajar everythings already plan by 'him'.. and one things that make me so happy is im also jpa's student n i hope i cn perform well in this field of stdy.. amin :) 


thennnn... i found somethings priceless there..what?? bf? nop! money?? nop! of course friendship <3 kwn2 yg gumbira! laila izyan farhana hani pkah tott syiera hajarcomey peanut ida manisha ima j.i dina nurul nasuha *nvr forget u :)  :D korang mmg rock cool fun smua ad nk2 time kene kn org n kpla haliang*fana budin haha.. nie mmg happening lah hmm *strt think of farhana da day i meet her..she was soo hilarious! jmpe2 ckp ckit trus buad lwak bodo haha lwk2 jgk bdk nie bijak tauu :D but she cant be a teacher.. garang! bila ajar haha ~fana jangang marohh hehe.. what i hope here is friends forever ok korg !
we still have a long journey may our dream come true :D i'll pray for u guys ;) friendship is like a family
usm dihatiku <3 
we are engineer to be :D


  1. aslkum.. u have so nice blog ...bleh sy follow u? if can pls follow me back ya.. thx =_=
