Monday 27 August 2012

she's my 'sahabat' in this world and hereafter :) insyallah

sayang selamanye

8 years together! alhamdullilah im praises to allah :D ..intan who was the first person that greeted me in the school hall of smk chung hwa wei sin (2005) hehe (ad jgk org nk tgur sy) at that time i was a very blurrrrrr' lil girl.. thx intan cz tgur sy n ajk sy duk sblah awk.. smpai awk rela xboh duk nge kalaivani haha ...from there our friendship have been blessed until now.. hopefully not just until not but until my last breath ! ok ;D ... even we have finish our high school :D we never ever forget each owk? ke gane hehe... maybe at one time sy kurg contact awk n same goes to u :) tp its does'nt effect pon sbb masing2 stdy n have our own responsibilities.. awk2 dri dulu pah leni dop abes2 klako :D hehe dop kire mse.. n u such a good advisor also a good listener even sy nie jnis hok dgil jgk hehe tp i'll always try to change myself towards good :).... n sometimes we have not agree with each other n mybe bcoz of me or bcoz of u or bcoz others(nk slhkn org lain) haha.. hee everyone not bg sy awk sudah ckup smpurna.n setiap kelebihan n kekurangan awk sy trima syg awk selamanye n sy doa awk sy n kwn2 hok lain smua bjya :D .. (sek2 kite intan intanh mira aida emah hajar yaming) insyallah jdi wanita hebat blake ! haha bkn ayt kcwa ke laky tp ~woman nowdays must be strong as men or more than men~ 
adk <3
together <3 adk,tanh,emah
time kt kuantan :D
aida,tanbing :P haha